Who Am I? About Myself

I live in Guelph. I am a Guelphonian.

In late 2010, I was thinking of goals for the new year. The idea came to me to compose my autobiography. I stuck at it, in sessions almost every week for 7-8 months. It has now been published with the title: Bridges over barriers in my life with autism (2011):

I celebrated the launch of my book with my Bridges friends in late October 2011. It has been a labour of love and some pain. I cannot believe it is finished. The book is all in my words from my mind. I enjoyed the composing with B who was my collaborator in my use of Supported Typing, and J supported me for most of the 60 poems in the book. I needed emotional support and some editorial help from E. My words come out best when the emotional support is there and my two dogs and parents were all part of that. My friend D who is a professor of philosophy wrote a foreword.

In the introduction I mention the various kinds of people who could find the book helpful. I hope everyone likes the book and is inspired to tell their own stories too. It is a task that requires hard work, a good memory, a parent who can fill in gaps when you are fuzzy, and a skilled facilitator whom you trust.

Bridges over barriers in my life with autism
By Andrew Bloomfield in his own words, including 60 poems
ISBN 978-0-9866586-2-4 190 pages. Foreword by Dr David DeVidi. References and index.

Part 1 Autobiography
1  Introduction
2  My early years to 1980
3  My adolescence, 1980-1989
4  My twenties: the worst of times and the best of times
5  Becoming a whole person
5.1  A home of my own
5.2  Understanding my health
5.3  Typing to talk
5.4  Sharing my spirit and gifts in words and images
5.5  Friends and community
5.6  My Aroha and circle of friends
6  Looking forward

Part 2 Poetry grouped thematically
Family and friends; My health; My senses; Strengths and blessings; Caring for my environment; My communities; My hopes and dreams

Publisher: Friends of Andrew Bloomfield and Guelph Services for the Autistic, 16 Caribou Crescent, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1E 1C9. Email ebloomfi@uoguelph.ca
Price in Canada $15 plus $5 p&p if required. Outside Canada $US15 plus $10 p&p.
All proceeds to the communication and life planning group, Bridges-Over-Barriers
Click for cover and more at http://www.ont-autism.uoguelph.ca/AB-2011-blurb.pdf
Foreword by Dr David DeVidi: http://www.ont-autism.uoguelph.ca/AB2011-Foreword-DD.pdf
My introduction: http://www.ont-autism.uoguelph.ca/AB-intro-2011.pdf

Nothing will ever make my body
the way I might wish it to be;
nothing may ever make my mind
free as a bird.

But I am not in jail as long as there are
bridge-building partners
to help me over the barriers.

”You don’t need to carry me over the bridge
…just walk by my side and be my friend…”