Wednesday, 16 March 2016

New Sprouting Device

I just set up the "Victorio 4-Tray Kitchen Seed Sprouter" this morning. It came with a small package of alfalfa seeds which I used for the first attempt. I put an even amount of seeds in each tray (about half a tbsp.) then stacked them up. I will need to pour 2 cups of water twice a day, rotate the trays and empty the bottom. Within in a few days they should be sprouting!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Visit to the Art Gallery

Here are some photos of my visit with friends to the Art Gallery of Guelph last weekend. We specially liked the outdoor sculpture park.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Getting ready to visit an Art Gallery

Some news about my love of art

My mind is full of images, colours and shapes.
I see words in my mind too.
I love to see art objects and paintings.
I never thought I could make art myself.

But thanks to my art mentor and collaborator Heidi,
I now choose colours and brush paint on to paper or canvas.
I like first to express the idea of a painting in words as a poem.
Then Heidi and I try out the colours and shapes.

I have watched videos about art and how to look at paintings.
Now I am getting brave enough to actually visit galleries.
Most surprising--other people like my art
and I have been invited to hang my canvases in art festivals
like the Eden Mills Arts Festival in 2016. See:

I cannot speak with my voice
but I have lots to say.
So I express myself in words and images as poetry
and with paint and shapes as art.